
About the Department

The subject of Anatomy introduces students to the study of structure and internal architecture of tissues and organs of the human body, and forms the basis for the study of medical sciences.

The Department has well designed two dissection halls and well equipped histology laboratory, in addition it has well furnished demonstration rooms and spacious research laboratory.

A large museum of the Department which exhibits wide range of dissected specimens, charts, bones, joints, models, X-rays and CT & MRI films form the main core of content.

The Department also has the Body Donation Society office. The people from local and nearby districts tender the application forms by pledging the whole body to be taken by the college after their death, for training the students and for research purposes.

Head of the Department

Dr. Subhash K. Deshpande, working as Professor and Head of the Department. He is interested in developing the Department in Histology section, Museum and initiation to start Cadaveric laboratory and genetic laboratory.

Teaching Program

For the undergraduate teaching and training region wise didactic lectures, demonstrations with dissection of cadavers are arranged. Periodical class tests and three internal assessment examinations, both in theory and practical, are conducted regularly. For the postgraduate teaching and training, periodical seminars, journal clubs and PG lectures are arranged. Cadavers are given to each of the postgraduate student for complete dissection of the body.

Workshops, CME and Conferences
  1. CME- On 1st September 2012, organized CME on “Molecular Genetics-Basics Beyond” – Guest Speakers Dr. Pramod B Gai and Dr. Suymindra Kulkarni . 150 delegates from the various departments of SDM Medical, Dental, Physiotherapy & Nursing College attended.
  2. CONFERENCE- Department of Anatomy, SDM College of Medical Sciences & Hospital, Sattur, Dharwad organized 16th KCACON, 16th State level Karnataka Chapter of Anatomists Annual Conference on 22nd,23rd &24th; of August 2014, Theme-“ Matrix For Newer Medical Trends”

  1. Dr. Manisha Chougule-As a first Author, paper has got published in pubmed cited International journal. Title-“A Cross Sectional Study of Sphenoid Sinus through Gross & Endoscopic Dissection in North Karnataka, India.” Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, April 2014, Vol-8(4):AC01-AC05.
  2. Dr. Veena Kulkarni-Palmar Dermatoglyphics among gutkha chewers with and without oral submucous fibrosis in Journal of Medica Innovativa, June 2014, Vol:3, Issue:1
  3. Dr. Veena Kulkarni- Rare variations in the vascular pattern of the thyroid gland in International Journal of Anatomical Variations,2014:7;4-6
  4. Dr. A. V. Kulkarni -Journal of ‘Fetal & Pediatric Pathology’ 32:169-174’2013. ‘Chiari III Malformation’ A rare case with Review of Literature as a record author.
  5. Dr. Veena Kulkarni Third head of Biceps brachii associated with variations in vascular pattern of upper limb, in the Journal Anatomica Karnataka, December 2013 Vol:7.No:3
  6. Dr. Sunkeswari Sreepadma- “Third head of biceps brachi associated with variations in vascular pattern of upper limb” in the journal of Anatomica Karnataka. December 2013, Vol-7 No:3
  7. Dr. Veena Kulkarni Morphological variations of thyroid gland, in Journal of Medica Innovatica, December 2012, Vol:1, Issue:2
  8. Dr. Sunkeswari Sreepadma- “Morphological variations of thyroid gland” in the journal of Medica innovatica December 2012, Vol-1 Issue:2
  9. Dr. Sunkeswari Sreepadma- Bilateral Levator Glandulae Thyroidae with agenesis of isthmus of Thyroid gland Anatomica Karnataka Vol-6(2) Page 75-80 2012
  10. Dr. Roshni Sadashiv - Meckel’s Diverticulum with a persistent omphalomesenteric Artery – A case Report IJBR3(12)2012
  11. Dr. A.V.Kulkarni- Contributed 3 chapters in “ORBAN’S Oral Histology and Embryology” 13th Edition 2011, Elsevier Publication.
  12. Dr. Veena Kulkarni- Psuedoganglion along the lateral terminal branch of deep Peroneal nerve, in Journal of Anatomica Karnataka, December 2011 Vol:5, No:3
  13. Dr. Roshni Sadashiv -Foramina on the Zygomatic bone: its clinical significance. Clin Ter 2011; 162(5):419-421
  14. Dr. Roshni Sadashiv - Reconstruction of femur length from its fragments accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Foxnsic Medicine & Toxicology

  1. The study of Relations between Gestational age of Human Foetuses & Diaphyseal length of Humerus & femur using Ultrasonography- by Dr. Chaithra Rao B.R.
    Guide - Dr. Ramachandra. N. kalghatgi
  2. Study of Structural Variations of Jugular Foramen in the dried Human Skulls of North Karnataka Region- byDr. Suresh Managutti
    Guide - Dr. Subhash. K. Deshpande
ICMR Projects:
  1. Dr. Veena Kulkarni - STSICMR project titled “Morphological significance of Palmar Dermatoglyphics in childhood obesity”.

Dr. Subhash K. Deshpande
Professor & HOD
Dr. Maltesh N. Kulkarni
Dr. Arun V. Kulkarni
Dr. Veena V. Kulkarni
Dr. Sunkeswari Sreepadma
Associate Professor
Dr. Manisha S. Chougale
Assistant Professor
Dr. Suresh Managutti
Assistant Professor
Dr. Mohan B. Alur
Dr. Parag M. Kirloskar
Dr. Shubadha K. Despande
Dr. Roshini Sadashiv

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